Saturday, March 12, 2011

The BARE Essentials

I remember always wanting my shoes off as a child.  I loved running around ANYWHERE without shoes and it didn’t matter where.  And when I wasn’t supervised by one of the adults who watched me I would take my shoes off. So now I have decided to take my shoes off whenever I FEEL like it.  It is one way I am maintaining my connection to Source while in the city.  I have walked barefoot inside stores, cafes, libraries, even parking lots and sidewalks.  I know it might not seem “clean” or even legal (?), but I am trying it out.  I really enjoy feeling everything from the hot asphalt ground to the cold tile in stores.  This is an experiment to see if I really feel any different from not wearing shoes all the time and I like the FREEDOM more than anything. 
Sure shoes serve their purpose, but more times than not I find myself slipping them off anyways.  Being present in our lives is hard enough with all our life’s distractions- partly because we are disconnected from our Source.  The way I can stay present is feeling everything from the cold hard ground on the pads of my feet to the warm breathe going in my nose. 
I do not worry about stepping on anything deemed as “dangerous”.  I believe that love is greater than fear in every moment.  It is a choice to choose love over fear. And if I do come across a rock or something hard  I believe we are meant to work out the trapped toxins and reflexology points in our feet anyways.  A few rocks never hurt anybody…that badly;) 
I met an older man once telling me of how he is now scared to go into the wilderness because he fears poison ivy rashes.  He said he felt sad about this because he used to go in the same woods years ago. I'm not advocating the use of LSD, but he said back in the 60’s when his friends and him took LSD he would go into the woods and explore for days.  He said that the incredible thing was that they would go in the wilderness and not get one scratch, bug bite, or any poison ivy rashes.  And now when he tries to go he gets poison ivy rashes.  I believe when we fear something we attract it.  In spiritual books I have read that you don’t need LSD to become aware of these high states of consciousness.  Simply meditating, conscious breathing, and practicing being present can help raise your awareness.  I believe that when in a present state there is a lack of fear that doesn’t attract things such as poison ivy. 
I walked on a hike in the desert barefoot recently.  That is a true test of presence.  Each foot step is important and precise yet I want to walk a moderate speed that will actually take me somewhere.  With a little practice and a couple times of stubbing my toes I was even able to run on the dirt which felt really good.  I had joyous memories flood my memory of being a child and running on sand.  There is a certain type of connection when you can really feel every part of your foot touching the ground.  To me being barefoot is a blessing and I really do adore the FEELING.  
Even if no one else enjoys walking barefoot I hope I at least inspire you to follow the inner child in you.  May you feel and allow your inner child to play! Namaste!