I was in a deep slumber several nights ago. In my dream I was in Spain and I wanted to be more “in shape” and be able to run for hours, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it. Then I remembered Running with the Bulls- Where you cannot stop or you will get trampled. I thought about it and decided to sign up for Running with Bulls race because I knew I would either do it or I wouldn’t make it (In my dream the race lasted 3 days). I knew I had to commit to it if I really wanted to be in more shape. This is the kind of commitment it takes to make dreams come true-Taking a huge risk that will make you go all the way.
In the last two months I committed to exploring intentional communities, committed to my partner, and Committed to trusting God. For me these are HUGE commitments and I feel like I am on the right track. First we went to a place called Ananda Village (a community based off of the guru Paramahansa Yogananda well known for “Autobiography of a Yogi”.) There are 250 plus people who live in this community. I feel like I explored and awakened deep core beliefs in this experience.
The first Running with the Bulls adventure begins with going to this Village. The utmost important thing I took away from my experience there was meditation. People may say they meditate as the move about, clean, dance etc, but I have realized it IS something completely different. To still the body is to still the mind, and when you become stillness everything flows (all the pure positive energy that we ARE comes to us much easier). We are THINKERS and CREATORS, but we must have the YIN to the YANG. To balance out deep desires and raging passions we must relax and calm the seas with stillness and relaxation.
Now, I’m on the Big Island, Hawaii. Running with the bulls again because once I came here there was no turning back. There are hundreds of intentional communities here and the atmosphere even in the airport is the most relaxed place I have ever experienced. I met a person the other day walking down a hill and I was telling him of the community I wanted to start and I just felt this inner sigh of “It’s all around me already”. In Tucson, Az it felt like such a big deal to say I wanted to be in an intentional community, but here it almost feels like the norm. It has been wonderfully magical here. We want to go from point A to point B on the island and it happens. We want a work-trade place to stay that is nice with communicative clear connected people and we found it. We face new challenges and overcome them, we breathe fresh air, eat fresh fruit and veggies two feet outside the door; we play with neighbors kids and dogs. It feels like there are no boundaries here – no his or hers no mine or yours. People say “aloha” (which means love and hello) and wave “hang loose” with their hands ever time we see someone. Less fear and more love and we have only been two weeks.
Ever notice that however you are feeling when you FIRST start something tends to be the tone you set until it is finished? Maybe it is a relationship. Maybe it is the grocery shopping experience. I have noticed that if I go into something with a bad attitude I have a bad attitude the entire experience. Once I am seen I a certain mood it is hard for me to change moods in the middle of an experience. Even my days are better when I start off waking up with joy, excitement and adventure in my heart.
While in Hawaii at the end of a long blissful day I was with two friends and my boyfriend in the back of an open truck. I wasn’t in the best of moods. We were going fast through darkness. We were all shivering in the cold, and then it started to rain on us. My friends were all putting their hands in the middle to “team” together for pretend heat. They were all in giddy moods and were squealing and singing and then they said “Amy, you must join for the forces” “You have a few seconds left hurry hurry!” in a playful manner. My closed ego wanted to stay in the corner and pout, but I let it in…love that is. I placed my hand on theirs and my boyfriend put one of his hands on top of mine. We all looked into each other’s eyes producing heat and yelling. We were letting freedom sing through our voices and hands. Powerful playful energy began to fill my heart and I was feeling uplifted by the group. This is how community can help uplift each other in times of need. We all need our own connection to happiness, but sometimes without others I stay in times of sadness longer. When I am with other people I think “man I must be less happy”, but really I am the same, I just notice if I am not happy more because I see how I feel compared to them. If I feel frustrated or mad I am less likely to connect to others. I know when I am at least walking in the room smiling that I am feeling good. Also people are naturally attracted to happiness. My boyfriend Tom and I went to a Krishna chant and pizza night. It seemed as though many people wanted to talk to us and we were invited to several different communities. It felt like we were new to indigenous land and tribes were welcoming us to each community. We walked in with smiling faces and walked out with even bigger smiles, more friendships, and new opportunities.
In community I have witnessed things being released together. When I worked for At Ease Wellness there were around 20 adjustment tables with the intention that in community healing there is more released among everyone. As Dr. Nicholas would adjust one person’s back -across the room someone might release an emotion. I think it is something people aren’t even aware of - that we release for each other in community setting. Consciously if we talk to each other and support each other’s highest good we raise vibrations (happiness levels) together. We are clearer and work more efficiently.
In dance when we hear the drums beating for us, or hear the cheers, or see the smiles, we dance harder and feel stronger. In a group meditation once I had a grumbling stomach that I was feeling embarrassed about. I kept focusing on my third eye imagining it would stop when suddenly it went away in me, but the woman’s stomach next to me began to grumble, and then the person in front of me, then someone else. Then it dissipated all together and we were in silence once again.
Although it is important in community settings to start with a good happy intention because I have noticed how collaborative “negative emotions” can bring a community down. Once while meditating in another group meditation I was in the corner choosing to think negative thoughts instead of meditate and I watched others meditate. Others were feeling bad too and some people got up, some people gave up, and others stuck through the 45 minute meditation - but came out saying “that was the worse mediation I ever had”. In that moment I think it is good to recognize the collaborative vibration and address and awaken to who we really are= JOY.
Anyways thanks for reading. Feel free to share thoughts, feelings etc on anything. After all this is a community too!
Monday, August 16, 2010
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