I want to continue to write blogs AND I want to keep manifesting what I want. I realize the power of my words. I remember a year ago while doing P90X (workout video) with a friend I was complaining and about feeling out of breathe and exhausted. She said how about we make a rule not to complain? And each time I was about to open my mouth I noticed that I was about to complain. And about five minutes later I was doing more reps and breathing effortlessly( from just stopping complaining!).
Being “addicted” to complaining is like being addicted to drugs. I have experienced both addictions before. And just like with drugs when I was 17 and “hit bottom” -five nights ago I hit bottom with complaining. I won’t say what happened because there is no need to give it energy, but there was 3 different similar situations happened within 4 days. The events had an impact on me that let me know there was something that I was thinking about that didn’t serve me. That night after some tears I was going to do it again (complain). I wanted support from friends “what was wrong with my life?” I called a friend and immediately my phone died. THANK THE UNIVERSE it did. I had two more hours until I got to my destination in San Jose, CA. And I realized I had the choice to either feel good or feel not so good. My phone was dead and the thoughts were louder than the music at the time. So I had no choice except to CHOOSE which feeling.
For whatever reason at the time I felt entitled to being a victim of the world. It was like lifting weights to be able to see the light in the situation (only this weight doesn’t come back down). So I used up all the energy behind the events and laughed as hard as I could. I decided that I am going to change (I even pulled over to put this song on by Aaliyah “If at first you don’t succeed, you can dust it off and try again”).
The more I tell my story of abundance the better I feel. I want to feel my way through thoughts and choose the best feeling ones( "the path of the least resistance". I am doing this exercise in “Complaint Free World”