The importance of individual action to celebrate World Environment Day,and how individual actions when multiplied can make a difference to the planet.
This blog was inspired by a collaboration of Mother's Day, World Environmental Awareness Day blogging contest, and personal experience.
In the middle of a neighborhood in Seaside, Oregon, I am sitting at the edge of a swamp. It’s not the kind that’s made from filth, instead it is the kind of swamp that was created from Life itself. I witness fish coming to the surface on a rhythm and the aroma of sweet flowers flying past. I am witnessing gnats cluster and scatter in patterns I do not yet understand. I think how beautiful it is here in this simple setting of nature. Then I hear two ducks (a mated pair I believe) call out and I see them start to waddle across the road to me. My heart drops as it is beautiful to see them (male and female together).
Then I hear a truck engine rumbling from down the road. I get nervous because the ducks are in the middle of the road, but they hear the truck too and run back across the road. About a minute later the truck passes by. In this moment I realize that nature has adapted to us. Ducks can hear from miles away. The ducks knew which way to run to when they heard the truck coming. We are all born with innate intelligence from the seed that turns into a rose, to a healer with her intuition. We are all made from innate intelligence greater than any machine, pollution, or trash. What I want is for communities to believe in Mother Nature herself. Stop ONLY focusing on all the harm and pollution. The only pollution is what we create in our minds.
We know from the Law of Attraction that if we focus on the parts of our faces with acne in the mirror it only get worse. The trick is to focus on the areas that are clean and soft on our face and then soon our whole face is cleaner and smoother. We learn to say mantras to ourselves and speak kindly to our own soul. Why not to Mother Earth?
What I think is important for individuals to do on World Environmental Day and beyond is to BELIEVE in whatever action you decide to do. Just like a magician knows his/her wand will create magic, we must believe that our picking up trash will change the world, our conserving water will create more, and our use of less electricity will prevent pollution. Together we can make one powerful magic wand to help mother earth. We each have different and new ideas and it is those ideas that create new outlets for helping mother earth. Some people invent new energy resources, some find ways to save, some find ways of cleaning up the earth, and when we share these ideas and believe in them it does wonders.
Next time using water be present and notice how much you use and just imagine all that water you saved doubled its size. Take action; be present, and BELIEVE in what you do. Mother Nature listens to and responds accordingly to what we believe in. The knowledge that all life on Earth is born with- is enough to create miracles.
So how will you help your Mother Earth? World Environment Day is on 5 June 2010. Every day is an opportunity to give back to mother earth. She is waiting. If you choose to plant a tree, eat healthier, use only hand towels, get an electric car make that decision with the best intention in mind. The power behind the magic wand is belief itself. Even imagining a solution to the current oil spill in the gulf will help Mother Earth heal. If you have any ideas, comments, concerns etc please post on my blog or on my Facebook "like" page. I would love to come together to have a discussion.
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